Call for papers
Call for GRC and IT Security papers and speakers: One of Europe's oldest conferences on Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and IT Security (GRC) issues places a call for papers and speakers. For highlights of the 2020 GRC Agenda, please refer to the current conference program for the inspiration of your topic and subject matter.
The call for papers is open until the 31st March 2020.
The 13th annual Nordic GRC and IT-Security Summit and The DPO Day on the 25th May 2020, is the annual networking highlight for GRC and IT security, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity decision makers, managing directors, board members and C-Suite managers. Each year GRC experts and conference participants and GRC specialist from the Nordics will attend the meeting to exchange ideas and to learn about the newest GRC and IT security trends and innovations in regulatory compliance, training and development, GRC software. Many key IT tools and essential GRC and IT-Security services are also on display and demo from selected vendors and advisory groups.
We are specifically looking for submissions on:
- European Data Protection Rules. Post-implementation execution and data security mandates to ensure compliance with data privacy standards thru GDPR execution and monitoring.
- How can business develop a GRC, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity matrix to evaluate, monitor and communicate value in the execution and monitoring compliance?
- Visionary GRC, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity e-learning concepts to monitor compliance
- Implementing innovative IT platform for GRC data security issues
- Conducting lawful and efficient global investigations
- Scan the horizon for the emerging global GRC, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity issues
- How to create or build a central control and reporting systems that indicate how your organisation behaves in a principal-oriented environment
- Directing the internal and external audit function effectively, based on the EU directives on audit independence
- Looking through the periscope of global bribery, fraud and corruption development
- Realisation value on governance thru shareholder stewardship
- Roadmap to successful navigation in the sea of GRC, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity risk management with a framework
The 2020 Conference will conduct workshops and parallel sessions on Ethics and Integrity, IT-Security, Bribery, Fraud and Corruption. Hands-on Financial Compliance workshop, Emerging Risks. etc.
We pledge to provide the board of directors, management, auditors and GRC and IT security officers with the opportunity to discuss the current GRC challenges and to share ideas and information to present the GRC challenges and to develop new strategies with colleagues and experts. The annual conference will further provide guidance on the right amount of due diligence on the GRC components to prevent or limit future corporate calamities.
We would like to hear from professionals & speakers for GRC presentations. Submit your proposals to We look forward to receiving your suggestions and suggestion!
With the advent of AI, IoT, Profiling, Blockchain and machine learning are on the one hand enhancing the data ecosystem and producing many common and economic benefits to almost all stakeholders, but on the other hand create considerable privacy concerns among the stakeholders, data subjects, oversight authorities and the regulators.The continued focus on regulatory and IT governance solutions, that address the concerns on, GDPR, ePrivacy, Cybersecurity and Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS) need to develop protective ways to collect, process, monitor and share the privacy information to the stakeholders.
Your Papers should focus on providing controls, and how to provide a higher level of transparency, accountability and proportionality for the Data Controller and Data Processor in complying with GDPR, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity Regulations including the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). How can these emerging technologies be converted for commercial use and deployed in practice and at scale?
- Cybersecurity; de-identification and masking
- GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity; differential privacy
- Structured Data; synthetic data, Data Warehouse
- IoT; on-line interactive analytics tools.
The Papers could also be on current issues that address the following related to GRC, GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity:
- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation
- Jurisdictional issues of GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity
- Specific problems/issues on legal, regulatory and business related to GDPR, ePrivacy and Cybersecurity)
Please follow the following Submission Guidelines:
- Articles that directly promote services/products will not be published. Please see the sponsor/partner section of the website
- Authors can use Copenhagen Compliance or the conference as a vehicle for marketing any specific product or service only upon written approval.
If you have questions please contact or