Key Objectives
- Develop greater recognition to audit’s critical role & develop core skills to tackle fraud & corruption
- Reduce opportunities for trans-boundary crime, fraud & corruption by benchmarking controls & evaluating risk management & governance practices
- Share challenges, failures & lessons learned in approaches to anti-corruption via case studies & panel discussions
- Support national & international public & private commitments in financial management to reduce financial risk
- Inspire audit & fraud prevention teams by introducing high profile keynote speakers in a creative inclusive environment
- Promote good governance around corporate social responsibility & the link with corruption
- Facilitate global networking to increase interaction within an international peer group - build trust based relations and encourage future collaborations in the private & public sector between Audit Directors, Auditor Generals, Central Banks, Heads of Investigation, Director Generals of Anti-Corruption Commissions, Chief Risk Officers…
Bribery in International Business Transactions
Recommendation of the Council for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, including Annex II, Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance)
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Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics, and Compliance
This Good Practice Guidance was adopted by the OECD Council as an integral part of the Recommendation of the Council for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.
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What are the new Anti-Bribery Recommendation?
Read more about the new Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business.
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Transparency, Corporate Governance and Ethics in the fight against Fraud and Corruption.
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Fraud and Internal Audit Survey.
Internal auditors must evaluate the potential for the occurrence of fraud and how the organization manages fraud risk. In light of this newly heightened emphasis on the anti-fraud role of internal auditors. This survey will determine what fraud risks internal auditors are concerned with and how they are addressing these risks in their audit plans.
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Much ado on Corruption. Cotonou Agreement
The Cotonou Agreement explicitly empowers the European Union to sanction "serious cases of corruption" provided that this corruption is related to economic and sectoral policies and programmes to which the European Union is a significant financial partner. Anti-corruption provision under the Cotonou Agreement without apparent impact. More effective means of preventing corruption should be considered.
The European Union has only sanctioned one single case of corruption under the Cotonou Agreement provisions. This does not necessarily mean that the Cotonou Agreement's sanctioning of corruption is without an impact, but the fact that sanctions have been imposed in only one situation strongly indicates that the provision's impact is rather limited. Morten Broberg therefore suggests that more effective means of preventing corruption be considered. Broberg's conclusion rests on his exposure of the seeming discrepancy between, on the one hand, the ACP countries' originally strong objections to the inclusion of the possibility of sanctioning corruption and, on the other hand, the provision's subsequent lack of application.
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