Conference Program, 16th November 2009 at Dansk Industri |
I Pyramiden hos Dansk Industri, Industriens Hus, H.C.Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 Copenhagen V. Denmark
Timings |
Topics & Speakers |
09:00 – 09:10 |
Presentation & Opening Remarks from Chair of the Conference
Conference Chairman Mikael Frederiksen, Director of Finance, Microsoft |
International Perspectives on Governance, Risk and Compliance |
09:10– 09:30 |
Current Trends and Developments in the EU regarding Governance, Risk and Compliance
Jesper Lau Hansen, dr. jur. & LL.M. (Cantab). Professor of Financial Markets Law |
09:30– 09:45 |
Restore Trust both inside and outside the company
Frank Hailstones, CA CPFA ACA IIA |
09:45 – 10:10 |
A Measure of Success: Best Practices and Next Generation Techniques in GRC
Dr. Deb Cernauskas, Ph.D, Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Ph.D |
10:10– 10:30 |
Q&A Session with all speakers |
10:30 – 10:45 |
Visions & Frameworks for Governance, Risk and Compliance |
10:45 – 11:10 |
Balance compliance with pressing business needs
Paul Grainger, Managing Director - Resources Compliance, UK |
11:10 – 11:35 |
Listen to Your Whistleblowers
Mariano A. Davies, President, BCCD. Chairman, COBCOE Training Commission |
11:35 – 11:45 |
GRC from an Investors viewpoint
Hege Sjø, Head of Scandinavian CG Team - Hermes Investment Ltd, London |
11:45 – 12:00 |
Q&A session with Hege, Mariano and Paul |
12:00 – 13:00 |
Lunch |
Technology and IT Governance in elation to Risk and ERM Implementation |
13:00 – 13:30 |
The Role of IT in Effective Risk Management
Frank Hailstones, CA CPFA ACA IIA |
13:30 – 14:00 |
The role of IT in aligning Risk Exposure to Risk Appetite
Dr. Deb Cernauskas, Ph.D, Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Ph.D |
14:00 – 14:15 |
Q&A Session with Deb, Frank and Tony |
14:15 – 14:30 |
Technology and IT Governance in elation to Risk and Compliance Implementation |
14:30 – 15:00 |
Access control, Asset management, Business continuity management, Communications and operations management, Human resources security
Frank Hailstones, CA CPFA ACA IIA |
15:00 – 15:25 |
Information security policy, Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance, Information security incident management
Dr. Deb Cernauskas, Ph.D , Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Ph.D |
15:25 – 15:50 |
Q&A session Frank, Deb,and Tony |
15:50 – 16:00 |
Closing Remarks from Chair & Wrap-up of the Copenhagen Compliance Conference
Conference Chairman Mikael Frederiksen, Director of Finance, Microsoft |
*Conference Program is subject to changes. The Conference Language is English
Conference Program, 17th November 2009 at Dansk Industri |
Timings |
Topics & Speakers |
09:00 – 09:10 |
Presentation & Opening Remarks from Chair of the Conference
Conference Chairman Mikael Frederiksen, Director of Finance, Microsoft |
Practical Risk Management issues in all shapes, sizes and forms |
09:10 – 09:40 |
From Compliance to Risk. Creating a revised foundation to Risk Management
Paul Grainger, Director, Resources Compliance (UK) Ltd |
09:40 – 10:10 |
The Failure of Corporate Board Governance and Risk Management. Reforms to Prevent their Re-Occurrence
Dr. Deb Cernauskas, Ph.D & Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Ph.D |
10:10 – 10:30 |
Q&A Session with Paul, Deb and Tony |
10:30 – 10:45 |
Visions & Frameworks for Governance, Risk and Compliance |
10:45 – 11:00 |
GRC Survey
Jakob Hermansen, Senior Manager, KPMG |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Unconditional Compliance at Siemens
Finn Baagøe Hansen, Regional Compliance Officer – Siemens |
11:30 – 11:45 |
Current trends in International Anti-Bribery, AML and Corruption Challenges
Jens Berthelsen, Partner, Global Advice Network |
11:45 – 12:00 |
Q&A session with Jakob, Finn and Jens |
12:00 – 13:00 |
Lunch |
GRC issues in a down economy. Updated International and EU guidelines on Accounting and Finance, Ethics, Corruption, Executive Compensation, Committees etc |
13:00 – 13:20 |
Addressing the Effectiveness of Compliance and Ethics Programs
Kersi F. Porbunderwalla, Managing Partner – GRCControllers |
13:20 – 13:40 |
The Future of Executive Compensation. The Role in the Global Financial Crisis
Dr. Deb Cernauskas, Ph.D, Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Ph.D |
13:40 – 14:00 |
Electronic Communication as evidential material and in the context of GRC
Frederik Fabricius, Partner, Gov:IT |
14:00 – 14:15 |
Q&A Session with Frederik, Deb, Tony and Kersi |
14:15 – 14:30 |
Accounting, Finance and ERM in relation to Governance, Risk and Compliance Implementation |
14:30 – 14:50 |
Designing, implementing and operating en ERM Program
Frank Hailstones, CA CPFA ACA IIA |
14:50 – 15:10 |
Practical challenges in developing an Information Security Strategy
Frederik Fabricius, Partner, Gov:IT |
15:10 – 15:30 |
Current Accounting and Finance Developments
Jan Fedders, State Authorised Public Accountant, PwC |
15:30 – 15:50 |
Q&A session Frank, Frederik and Jan |
15:50 – 16:00 |
Closing Remarks from Chair & Wrap-up of the Copenhagen Compliance Conference
Conference Chairman Mikael Frederiksen, Director of Finance, Microsoft |
*Conference Program is subject to changes. The Conference Language is English
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Who Should Attend
- Chairman & Board Members
- Non-Executive Board Members
- Members of the Audit Committee
- Governance and Compliance Officers
- Auditors, Accountants and Lawyers
- IT Security Officers
- Compliance Officers & Managers
- CFOs/financial Officers
- Information Security Managers
- IT Directors and Managers
- IT Analysts/IT Auditors
- IT Compliance Managers
- IT Governance Managers
- IT Risk Managers
Bank Details for payment:
Den Danske Bank
Account Number: - 1471.4768155348
Registration number:
1471 Lyngby Afdeling
IBAN kontonummer: DK7130004768155348
OR register online and ask for invoice
If you are paying by check please send it to:
Controllers Hvidegaardsparken 14, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Hvidegaardsparken 14
Dk-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tel. +45 2121 0616
CVR nr. 29602689
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Leveringsbetingelser, afmelding og fortrydelsesret:
Registrerede deltagere får refunderet konference gebyret, fratrukket et administrationsgebyr på kr. 250, såfremt en skriftlig afmelding er sekretariatet i hænde en måned inden konferencens afholdelse. Fra denne dato kan ingen refundering forventes.Vi tilbyder dog at du kan send en kollega eller en anden person istedetfor.
Previous attendees include:
- A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S
- Alior Bank SA
- ALK Abello
- American Entertainment
- Berlingske Business
- BRE Bank S.A.
- Carlsberg
- Chevron Denmark
- Chr. Hansen
- Copenhagen Airports
- Cultivator
- Danisco A/S
- Danish Commerce and Companies Agency
- Danmarks Eksportråd
- Dansk Industri
- Danske Bank
- Deloitte
- Det Norske Veritas
- E.ON Sverige AB
- EDB Gruppen A/S
- eforum i Standard Norge
- Electrolux
- Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen
- Ernst & Young
- FDA Compliance
- Finanshuset i Fredensborg A/S
- FLSmidth & Co. A/S
- G4S
- GN Store Nord
- Grant Thornton
- Several Danish Municipalities
- Hermes Investment Ltd
- Image Box Scandinavia
- Inmeta ASA
- Intertek
- Jonas Bruun
- Lån & Spar Bank A/S
- MAQS lawfirm
- Mazanti-Andersen
- Korsø Jensen & Partnere
- McAfee
- Microsoft
- Nordea
- Novo Nordisk A/S.
- Novozymes
- Nykredit
- Oracle
- PA Consulting Group
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers
- Region Sjælland
- Resources Compliance
- Resources Global Professionals
- Rockwool
- SAP Danmark A/S
- SAP Svenska
- SAS Institute
- Saxo Bank A/S
- Schur International a/s
- Siemens A/S
- Siemens IT Solutions & Services
- Siscon
- Spæncom
- Swedwood
- Symbion Science Park
- Telenor KEY Partner Danmark A/S
- Telia
- Topdanmark Forsikring A/S
- TrygVesta
- TrygVesta Forsikring
- University of Copenhagen
- Valora Trade Denmark A/S
- Vestas Wind Systems A/S
- Århus Elite A/S