The one-day training provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Foundation Model.
GRC Foundation seminar guides the participants to understand and apply GRC processes to avoid duplication of efforts. The program also includes important definitions, the structure of the GRC Foundation Model. The seminar guides you to expand your GRC knowledge and get certified.
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar
The three-day training provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Officers Model.
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar
The four-day training provides the participants with all issues covered in the three-day seminar and the fourth day will include a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Director Model, including;
The GRC-A module provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Audit Model. The GRC auditor is an expert in using internal and external audit standards to audit multiple GRC activities. The participant upon certification will have a complete understanding, to assess and evaluate critical GRC components, practices and activities. The Copenhagen Compliance GRC roadmap and framework is built to execute a risk-based audit plan for GRC performance, internal controls, ethics and integrity activities, including:
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