About The GRC Certification Masterclass:

The GRC and Board of Director's certification masterclass consist of three modules encompassing current global subjects that the GRC Officer, Practitioner and the director should know to lead the business and organisation:

  • Globally oriented, syllabus based on Good Governance issues, Risk analytics and an intuitive Compliance program
  • Presentations, lectures, case studies on strategic and contemporary GRC and Board issues
  • Hands-on exercises and practical workshops for applied knowledge and better decision making
  • Stimulations through workshops, exams, assignments, contests
  • Rigorous academic and practical curriculum for a multi-disciplinary approach to align Strategic global GRC and Board of Directors accountability issues.
  • State-of-art knowledge integrated and systematic approach to spark GRC innovation and creativity, making the participant view Compliance from various angles.
Pre-reading Material; All participants will be provided with extensive pre-Masterclass reading material for the GRC seminar. In addition to the reading material, participants must allow a suitable time to review the set of board documents on Governance issues. The material will be sent from 30 days to a week advance of the Masterclass.

Thesis and Dissertation: To give a practical exposure on one or more GRC related topic or subject, each participant is required to prepare a project study in the form of a Thesis or Dissertation upon completion of the Masterclass. The project topic can be chosen from any of the subjects covered in the Masterclass syllabus. The Thesis/Dissertation exercise provides an opportunity for the participant to independently demonstrate research, originality and to implement into practice terms the knowledge gained from the Masterclass. The Guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation is provided during the Masterclass both for GRC and the Directors program.

On successful completion of the Masterclass and the submission of the thesis/dissertation, the certificate of Certified GRC Officer or The Certified GRC Practitioner/Director from The Copenhagen Compliance is awarded. This Certificate provides recognition of your personnel and professional achievement in attaining and maintaining the required standards of knowledge, experience and integrity.

GRC-F Foundation One day training with certification

The one-day training provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Foundation Model.
GRC Foundation seminar guides the participants to understand and apply GRC processes to avoid duplication of efforts. The program also includes important definitions, the structure of the GRC Foundation Model. The seminar guides you to expand your GRC knowledge and get certified.
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar

  • Elements, value and stakeholders of an effective GRC: impact on performance and sustainability, efficient, effective and responsive capabilities
  • A roadmap to implement GRC principles: how to embed GRC in the business
  • Importance of strong governance practices: the GRC decision-making process
  • Risk and compliance frameworks: GRC Capability Model, COSO 2013, COSO ERM 2017, ISO 31000:2019, ISO 19600:2014, PMBOK Guide
  • Integrating risk management, internal controls and compliance: the three lines of defence, assurance maps, Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI)role and responsibilities
  • Integrating GRC with information technology, business continuity plans, information security, data retention, access reviews
  • GRC tools today: solutions, enabling technology components, business process managers, dashboards, training, managing findings and incidents, fraud, workflows managers
  • GRC going forward: machine learning, business intelligence, the blockchain, analytics GRC Compliance training programs will build risk culture and provide templates for GRC training for your staff. The GRC toolkit we offer after the seminar can be of incredible value to build GRC awareness, ethical culture, and establishing acceptable standards of GRC discipline, behaviour and how to mitigate risks.

GRC-O Officer 3-day training with certification

The three-day training provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Officers Model.
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar
In general, the following GRC issues will be addressed in the Foundation seminar

  • The impact on GRC performance and sustainability. How to enforce and monitor an efficient, effective and responsive GRC capabilities. What are the elements that create value for the organisation as well as the stakeholders
  • How to develop a customised GRC roadmap to implement the corporate GRC principles and how to integrate and embed the GRC components in the business activities
  • Workshop on the importance of developing strong governance practices and how to use the data and GRC intelligence in the GRC decision-making process
  • Global Governance, Risk and compliance frameworks including a deep dive in the Copenhagen Compliance GRC Framework, COSO 2013, COSO ERM 2017, ISO 31000:2019, ISO 19600:2014, PMBOK Guide
  • How to integrating risk management, internal controls and compliance in the three lines of defence, assurance maps, and ensure duplication of efforts through the Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) role and responsibilities framework
  • Integrating GRC with information technology, business continuity plans, information security, data retention, access reviews, data privacy and cybersecurity issues
  • What are the solutions, enabling technology components, business process managers, dashboards, training, managing findings and incidents, fraud, workflows managers of the GRC tools and how to determine and select the best on for the organisation
  • GRC going forward: machine learning, AI, business intelligence, the blockchain, analytics
  • What are the emerging GRC risks and red flag alarms
  • How to ensure continuous auditing and monitoring and business intelligence.
GRC Compliance training programs will build risk culture and provide templates for GRC training for your staff. The GRC toolkit we offer after the seminar can be of incredible value to build GRC awareness, ethical culture, and establishing acceptable standards of GRC discipline, behaviour and how to mitigate risks.

GRC-D Director 4-day GRC Director training

The four-day training provides the participants with all issues covered in the three-day seminar and the fourth day will include a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Director Model, including;

  • GRC can form the foundation if the company's operations on the regulatory and corporate compliance;
  • Show GRC leadership in the workplace
  • Assist in building relationships with regulators
  • Identify risk and apply risk management to GRC processes
  • What Makes A Good Governance, Risk or a Compliance Officer?
  • Execute GRC duties reliably and according to the strategies developed by management.
  • The creation of GRC inter-departmental synergies that leads to growth and an improved bottom line.
  • The most effective line of defence is how the company addresses any breach through an efficient and effective compliance program.
  • Developing a risk culture by addressing the behavioural factors, change management
GRC Compliance training programs will build risk culture and provide templates for GRC training for your staff. The GRC toolkit we offer after the seminar can be of incredible value to build GRC awareness, ethical culture, and establishing acceptable standards of GRC discipline, behaviour and how to mitigate risks.

GRC-A Audit Certification for companies and IT Tools

The GRC-A module provides the participants with a broad range of areas addressed in the GRC Audit Model. The GRC auditor is an expert in using internal and external audit standards to audit multiple GRC activities. The participant upon certification will have a complete understanding, to assess and evaluate critical GRC components, practices and activities. The Copenhagen Compliance GRC roadmap and framework is built to execute a risk-based audit plan for GRC performance, internal controls, ethics and integrity activities, including:

  • Since businesses are global, and risks become complicated, but so is regulatory compliance and global governance issues. How can audit support the GRC officers to achieve sustainable compliance
  • How to audit the GRC matrix management GRC structure for transparency, reporting and escalation
  • Reduction in errors due to the GRC monitoring and GRC lines of defence
  • Reduce operational costs by addressing duplication of efforts
  • Decrease staff turnover as all GRC activities are explained and understood
  • How to adapt more quickly to regulatory change
  • Enhances the reputation of the organisation
  • Understand the business and the accountability, role and responsibility of GRC to support the company issues.
  • Manage GRC compliance audits and projects
  • Auditing the emerging GRC risks and red flag alarms
  • How to ensure continuous auditing and monitoring and business intelligence.
GRC Compliance training programs will build risk culture and provide templates for GRC training for your staff. The GRC toolkit we offer after the seminar can be of incredible value to build GRC awareness, ethical culture, and establishing acceptable standards of GRC discipline, behaviour and how to mitigate risks.