Please send us your registration in participating in the event. After registration, we will send you a confirmation and an invoice for payment.
Event Registration.Standard 2 Days: 7.500,00 DKK or €990, 00 + VAT. Applies To External Professionals & Consultants: Corporate Organisations, Vendors, Auditors, Lawyers, and all Non-End Users.Reduced: €500.00 or DKK 3750, 00 (Please use ref code N5R0D when you register). Applies to: NGOs/Not for Profit Organisations, National Government/Regulators, Student/Academics, Diplomatic Missions in the EU Complementary: A few complimentary passes for Internal Professionals are available on a first come basis from our partners/sponsors may be available to Board members, CEO, CxO and other Ethics, Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, IT-Security and HR professionals from end-users companies and other qualifying buy side firms. Send us an email, and we will forward your request to our partners/sponsors. |
We believe that networking is an essential part of a Copenhagen Compliance (R) Conference and therefore we will provide social settings where participants have a chance to network with other delegates on a professional and social level.
The conference fee includes:
The conference fee includes:
- Brain-Food/lunch of the day.
- 3 coffee-breaks and refreshments.
- Links to all presentations
Who Should Attend
- Internal Audit Managers and Staff
- IT Security Officers
- Information Security Managers
- IT Directors and Managers
- IT Analysts/IT Auditors
- IT and Data Consultants and project managers involved in data protection, information security or cyber security issues
- IT and Data Consultants and project managers that participate in GDPR projects.
- Individuals with some IT experience who want to qualify on GDPR issues.
If you are paying by check please send it to:

Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
Science and Technology Park,
Diplomvej 381, DK-2800 Lyngby,
Tel. +45 2121 0616
E-mail og hjemmeside:
Leveringsbetingelser, afmelding og
Registrerede deltagere får
refunderet konference gebyret,
fratrukket et administrationsgebyr
på kr. 250, såfremt en skriftlig
afmelding er sekretariatet i
hænde en måned inden konferencens
afholdelse. Fra denne dato kan
ingen refundering forventes.Vi
tilbyder dog at du kan send en
kollega eller en anden person