contact us

Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
Science and Technology Park,
Diplomvej 381, DK-2800 Lyngby,
Denmark or
Tel: +45 2121 0616


Copenhagen Compliance® is the global Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and IT Security (GRC) think tank. As a privately held professional services firm, the mission is the advancement of the corporate ability to govern across the borders, sector, geography, and constituency. The primary aim is to help companies and individuals achieve integrated GRC management that unlocks the company ethics, cultures and value by optimising GRC issues to IT-Security & automation thru templates, roadmaps, & frameworks.

Copenhagen Compliance provides global end-to-end GRC platform, with a comprehensive & proven advisory based on, giving priority to transparency, accountability and oversight issues. Our focus is on GRC Intelligence, Internal Controls, Audit, CSR, Compliance & Policy Management, IT-GRC, Sustainability Management, Bribery Fraud, Corruption (BFC), IT &- Cyber Security Issues.