Global Governance Issues
- The Storyline of the Copenhagen Compliance Conference - Part I
- The Storyline of the Copenhagen Compliance Conference - Part II
- Cash Cows called EU Competition Law, BA and FCPA
- International Developments in Accounting and Auditing - Part I
- International Developments in Accounting and Auditing - Part II
- Reverse Governance to create Value and reinforce Ethics, Accountability, Controls and Transparency
- When mistrust and suspicion between Top Management and Board is the issue
- The most recent Guidance on Anti-bribery and corruption systems, controls and due diligence
- Is there no end to the Financial Scandals?
Global Risk Management Issues
- The cost of a poor Ethical Culture at Olympus is $1.7 Billion
- Det er på tide at den statslige sektor tager risikostyring alvorligt ligesom mange store virksomheder har gjort i årevis
- Segregation of Duties - Why and How - Synopsis
- Audit Committees
- Getting a Grip on Managing Third-Party Risks
- Put your money where your Risks are
- If you don't know where your Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) processes are headed, any path may take you there. However we suggest developing your own roadmap to reach your desired destination
Global Compliance Issues
- Are You Meeting Your Stakeholders' Expectations?
- Have we de facto privatised profits and socialised losses in the financial sector
- Even if you are doing God's work you have to understand the importance of controls. Goldman Sachs failed to implement policies and procedures that adequately controlled the risks.
- Cash Cows called EU Competition Law, BA and FCPA
- Continuous Monitoring and Auditing of GRC processes are vital
- Disaster management system must be in place to preserve data transaction integrity
- Story telling on Culture, Change Management, Values, Adaptation and Trust to understand GRC implementation issues
- SOX reforms, redundant or reliable
Global IT Governance and Security Issues
- Oracle Fusion GRC: The New Standard for Risk Management and Compliance
- IT Risk and Compliance Management - programmed, automated and simplified
- Conducting an IT Workshop