Copenhagen Compliance is a good financial and time investment for participants and Sponsors because:

  1. Good Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) activities helps you to integrate, embed and link your business processes together with people and technology.
  2. The reason why you need to join these forces are:
    • Risks are now more diverse and interrelated
    • Combining Risk to Governance and Compliance into a of enterprise approach will provide strategic competitive advantage to critical business issues because you will be proactive in your reaction to positive risk and let your competitors miss the business opportunities.
    • Avoid duplication of efforts
  3. The workshop sessions at the conference will primarily focus on;
    • Current GRC challenges for a variety of industries
    • IT and Information Security
    • Risk Management in all shapes, sizes and forms
    • Updated guidelines and best practices on the EU Comply or Explain (compared to the USA Comply or Die), Whistleblower, Audit Committees, Riskability® and other GRC issues in the current economic environment
  4. The Conference will provide a 360° course for charting Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) culture and perspectives in view of the global financial crisis;
    • Risk Assessments have become more diverse and interrelated.
    • Laws and regulations have become more complicated. Boards and Executives are now more accountable.
    • The management of enterprise risk and compliance has become a critical business issue and can provide a strategic competitive advantage.
  5. The Conference focuses on GRC because activities related to the monitoring of internal controls have expanded and have become quite complex. Several IT tools will be presented.
  6. The Conference focuses on Risk Management and monitoring in many shapes and form because organizations cannot afford to be simply risk-aware.
  7. The Conference focuses on Compliance because it is highly departmentalized. The conference focus has always been to develop compliance activities that function across the organization
  8. The Conference focuses on Technology as it continues to transform business. Learn how new technologies are requiring organizations to transform their approach to structured and unstructured data.
  9. The Conference focuses on the need for effective programs to manage GRC issues because considerable time and resources are spent to redesign processes and implement new technology.
  10. The Conference focuses on how to integrate GRC to improve decision making and communications.
  11. The Conference focuses on integrating GRC because there are so many regulations, so little time and so few resources.
  12. The Conference focuses on IT because GRC will not work without an underlying information technology infrastructure to support it.
  13. By the end of conference and sessions you will:
    • Have the vocabulary to discuss your GRC technology needs
    • Know how to identify GRC-related technology redundancies, gaps and needs
    • Be able to engage or complete a plan for GRC optimization in your organization.