Newsletter | Volume 1

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Workshop Session on GDPR Issues On The 15th March 2016 09:30-16:30

Getting started on the GDPR implementation the right way, with governance and risk management components to assess, compile and measure the tremendous amount of effort required for GDPR compliance is the key aim of the seminar. We focus on how in-house staff who know the idiosyncrasies of digital platforms, software ecosystems and how to streamline the current data and communication structures can take charge.

We review how the company itself takes control of GDPR implementation, (which in the long run is both cheaper and safer). We also go thru the steps whereby instead of reinventing the Data and IT strategy, we recommend the use of platform thinking that extends beyond the data, IT and tech areas in developing a sustainable GDPR regime that cuts data and information clutter across the organisation.

Both briefings set out a number of actions that must be included in your GDPR compliance programme.
Some IT professionals go the introduction & current status of GDPR implementations based on a survey. What are the indications of the enforcement position that Datatilsynet will take to provide guidance and interpretation of GDPR? How will the oversight authorities ensure, apply and enforce The EU data protection law (GDPR) in a fair, uniform and impartial manner? What are the minimum requirements that companies must meet regarding the GDPR establishment and appointment? What are the Key requirements for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, data breaches and notifications, system architecture design for GDPR? Moreover, the latest news regarding the application and interpretation of the GDPR mandates. What can we expect from the many stakeholder reports on the GDPR guidance and implementation? Register here;

If you have not already started to consider the steps needed to be GDPR compliant attend both the seminar and the certification course to determine the right and exact make-up of your compliance programme that is unique to your business. Both briefings set out a number of actions that must be included in your GDPR compliance programme.