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Building a contingency plan for Anti-corruption and Bribery Enforcement

A practical workshop on creating a safeguard against bribery and corruption. Danish companies have since the Viking era operated internationally. However just as the Vikings, the Danes are entrepreneurs/business people who traded (raided) as a means of doing business, acquiring capital that could be invested in business.

Multi-jurisdictional global regulatory enforcement Just as the Vikings avoided ending up in critical situations, current commercial and regulatory complexities require Governance, Risk Management and Compliance enforcements to ensure that bribery, fraud and corruption is not a risk.

The current enforcement activities by the UK and US authorities with multi-jurisdictional global regulatory enforcement requires that all companies are prepared and make sure that the adequate policies are in place, the risk assessment is done in the right manner, and compliance efforts ensure that all employees are equipped to avoid bribery and corruption temptations.

Legal roadmaps and framework for compliance documentation
We review the Danish, as well as international laws (primarily UKBA and The FCPA) against corruption and bribery, have been tightened in recent years. A single employee or an agent/3rd party involvement in bribery or corruption can cost both money and reputation.

During the seminar, we will go thru the legal framework and requirements that make clear procedures and train the right people. It is important that the company is free from the oversight authority's focus.

Besides ensuring a supplier and an internal anti-corruption setup, as part of annual risk assessment procedure, it is also required that that policies, procedures and training is clearly communicated.

The workshop is based on a couple of practical Bribery, and Corruption rollout and the participant feedback on commercial processes will provide you with useful tools on how to:
  • Continued development on adequate anti-corruption policies, procedures and processes
  • Document, communicate and report on your efforts
  • Monitor the risk assessments of your markets, business partners, etc.
  • Plan and conduct training for employees
  • Reflect on the establishment of a whistleblowing system and the requirements therefor
  • Strengthen internal organisation and actions

The annual seminar on Anti-corruption and Bribery issues takes place at The Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen in April 2016.