Newsletter | Volume 1

Issue I
Issue II
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Issue IV
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Issue VII
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Issue XIV
Issue XV
Issue XVI
Issue XVII

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Riskability Governance Watch

Corporate governance issues have recently become a highly discussed and controversial management component, both at the directors and managerial level. In order for the individual company to develop its customized framework and roadmap, each business unit must understand the political, structural and historical development in the organization.

As part of our Riskability assessment tools, we have now developed an IT tool we call the Riskability Governance Watch.

Clearer and pressing need

The company's corporate governance behaviour during any crisis will guide the leaders and managers companies to conduct business corporate governance action during normal times. However its is during these regular times that governance components and structures need to be updated to avoid future financial disasters.

Let the Riskability Governance Watch review the roots of the various management elements and find the underlying causes of processes that make up the structure of sound corporate governance in the organisation.

The continuous series of Governance reforms throughout the world, lately by the company laws and EU directives to ensure that the companies have the right checks and balances in every department.

Ethical basis for governance responsibilities

Companies had since also developed adequate communications platform and given the rights and power to stakeholders and shareholders to keep keeping a watchful eye on the board and CEO. Therefore, we recommend the roadmaps and frameworks embedded in the Riskability Governance Watch as part of your an annual survey. The findings will ensure that all of the components of significant Corporate Governance reinforcements continue to meet the principles and its objectives since implementation.

Tenets of good governance

Directors who were well informed about finance performed no better than those who are classified by some as know-nothings. Companies that separated CEOs and chairmen did no better either. Far from helping companies to weather the crisis, powerful institutional shareholders and independent directors did worse in terms of shareholder value.

Good governance is necessary for several reasons. It not only gives stakeholder confidence, but improves the trust components in the decision-making processes. Goo Governance can lead to better decisions, and importantly provides an ethical basis for governance responsibilities.