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Copenhagen Compliance Code-of-Conduct Framework

The more employees know on what they must do, the more likely it is that they will to do it. The essential components and knowledge of good and bad behavior of all employees within the organization is dependent on clarity, certification, checking and consequences. Directors and managers must, therefore, predict and influence with policies, processes and performance.

If best practices and good examples of the expectations of a Code-of-Conduct performance is given in an organization, the better can employees behave. On the other hand the worse the role-models, the worse the employee discipline and behavior.

In developing the Copenhagen Compliance Code-of-Conduct Framework we have conducted with experts from the field of social psychology to provide corporate solutions to the universal question;
  • Why do people do bad things, what are the social and business mechanisms that influence the corporate consciousness and behavior?
  • What are the components to monitor for success and to ensure that employees stay on track from the perspectives of social psychology?

The structure of the framework is based on experiences in Governance, risk management, compliance and IT security consultancy assignments. We have also prepared a detailed narrative on the framework that provides the platform to customise policies and procedures to focus on the critical and key factors in relation to monitoring performance issues, unethical behavior and challenges ensure compliance. The narrative also addresses issues like culture, moral nature and dealing with the ethical dilemma.
  • How the corporate environment components like Tone-at-the-Top can influence the behavior of each employee.

Each component of the framework is both individual but also complements one another. Each part lays the foundation for examining the behavior of both the organisation and the individual, be it the director or the worker.

The components and factors of the Copenhagen Compliance® Code-of-Conduct Framework are as follows:
  1. Transparency in the work and efforts of the directors, managers and leaders. Clear documentation of policies and procedures on exactly what constitutes desirable and undesirable behavior with clear expectations on exactly what is expected in a particular situation.
  2. Develop mature HR strategies that address the current needs and dedicate appropriate resources to identify internal and external risk of unreliable HR policies and procedures
  3. Accountability of objectives, ownership, tasks and responsibilities set. The better equipped, the better is the performance delivery of what is expected of the employees.
  4. Commitment on the part of directors, managers and employees in the organization for diversity and respect involving everybody in the organization. The more the participation, the better they can serve to fulfil expectations. Ensure that controls discover unfair, deceptive orabusiveactsand practices.
  5. Provide a multi-way communicationplatformwithallstakeholders. Directors and managers must be sincere and open to discussion of viewpoints, emotions, dilemmas and Code-of-Conduct offenses. Encourage the dialog on moral issues in meetings so that all employees can learn from the experiences and one another.
  6. Afford appreciation, reward and promotion for desirable behavior at the same time institute sanctions of undesirable behavior. The better the enforcement, greater is the tendency to be rewarded and avoid punishment.
  7. Monitor the performance regularly with automated assessments on employee behaviour for risks, ethics and internal compliance. Give room so that employees can self-control and adjust their behavior to the expectations of the code.
  8. Stimulatecustomtailoredtraining programs at various levels oftheorganization. Verify the e-learning systems policy confirmation regulatory and in-house compliance and enforcement. The e-learning sessions are spiced by programs that sustain a strong culture of compliance, ethics and risk management.
  9. Arrange for expert guidance and training sessions that enhance critical skills and expertise that are required to establish & maintain an enhanced, balanced and adequate competency to meet the job requirements.
  10. Keep in pacewith industry best practices and trends and update uniform technologysolutions.

Firing employees or Complaining do not resolve Code-of Conduct issues. A structured GRC journey does. Good luck on your Governance, risk Management, Compliance and IT Security drive throughout the organization. We trust that you all will have a decent and stimulating journey without any derailment.