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Updating your 2015 IT Security Program begins at the 8th Annual GRC Summit

Copenhagen Compliance has continuously provided guidance on how organizations can implement a governance and risk-based approach to IT security issues, by making these issues visible, measurable and actionable. At the conference on 22-23. September 2014 we will demonstrate the Security Risk Management tools that support both advanced reporting capabilities and interconnectivity to ensure that remediation actions for IT breaches, controls and tests.

Each of the past several years has been considered to be the Worst Year Ever when it comes to IT Security Breaches. Dozens of other companies and government agencies were victims of massive network security breaches.

Several of victims were data-security firms or financial institutions. Therefore, the violations affected customers and consumers at a relatively large scale. The continued and extended use of mobile devices; social media and cloud security will drive the IT-security concerns in 2015.

State-of-the-art IT security policies
The 2015 program will focus on the latest IT security challenges that damage the IT infrastructure social media as a tool in cyber warfare. Stricter enforcement and new legislation focused on data protection that assesses the cloud-service providers and their ability to enforce state-of-the-art IT security policies.

The Cloud is here to stay, therefore integrate Cloud Computing Into Your Data Security Program:
On the one hand the Chief IT Officer is pushing for more cloud computing, while managers keep on singing the efficiencies of iPads, smart phones, and online services for more efficiency.
  • What are the risks and rewards of cloud computing?
  • How can the IT compliance function approach the cloud without getting lost in a haze of risks and sloppy data practices
  • How compliance officers can stay ahead of the realities of IT that eventually could attack the IT infrastructure
  • Complying with multi-national privacy and security requirements in the cloud

Records and information management: managing the real risks facing your organization
  • What are the organizational risks related to records and information management
  • How to Identify and assess the GRC demands related to records and information management What are the Global challenges, considerations and mitigation strategies
  • What are the components to manage these risk, implement adequate controls and provide training and education

Demystifying the cloud
More than 30 years ago, almost all computer applications ran on mainframe, then came departmental "a client-server" to run critical applications. Now the computing power is with the end-user, because al devices like PCs, laptops, and smartphones and tablets are on the same network. This means back to basics, back to the centralized environment.

Cloud computing is simply any technology service, such as an application, infrastructure, or platform that's offered to customers over the internet. Let us look at some of the demystifying Cloud issues:
  • Centralized Data Centers - The cloud is re-centralization of IT resources.
  • Storage - The files you have on your computer are stored in the cloud.
  • Security - Security will be an added concern when accessing resources through the internet.
  • Applications - Now cloud applications ike Software as a service (SaaS) are ramopant.