In House Traning
Many companies have acknowledged that the establishment of good governance
standards, ethics and the corporate responsibility to society calls for higher
Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, IT Security (GRC) standards. But
a growing number of companies now complain that the flood of new policies
and intensified regulatory scrutiny are bringing unintended consequences.
A recent wave of high-profile executive departures highlights the need for
boards to regularly review succession plans and develop future leaders in
a context where it is getting increasingly difficult to find well-trained
Many companies have eliminated formal training programs to reduce costs, leading
to fewer officers having the necessary expertise in GRC areas. There is also
an opportunity to drive the success of a company by filling the operation
with seasoned professionals, whose backgrounds and talents map more or less
directly to the challenges that companies are facing today. Copenhagen Compliance
can fill in the gaps and map the individual competencies to match the job
profile on an annual basis to establish personal and a global standard of
Therefore, there is a need for updating the web based and in-house training
Copenhagen Compliance offers a competitive In-House training option. Avoid
the costs of travel and accommodation. The charge for each day is the same,
notwithstanding the number of participants on the course, seminar or workshop.
Running an in-house course in your offices is an investment that will ensure
you to;
- Arrange a course that fits your team's schedule
- Any dates, any location, simply tell us what works best for you
- Customized agenda and personalized training program that is modified
to address your current priorities
- Several existing training courses will be customized to suit your exact
requirements and adapted to fit the correct level of competency, you want
to achieve
- Complicated and challenging issues, specific to your organizations current
needs and which are best resolved in private will receive our attention
and caution.
- Expert international guidelines will be provided in dialog with your
course director or manager