Parallel Session on GDPR

Parallel session on GDPR. 15th March 2016 09:30-16:30

09:30-10:00 Introduction & Current Status on GDPR Implementations based on a survey.
Kersi F. Porbunderwalla, Secretary General, Copenhagen Compliance
10:00-11:00 What are the indications of the enforcement position that Datatilsynet will take to provide guidance and interpretation of GDPR
  • How will Datatilsynet ensure, apply and enforce The EU data protection law (GDPR) in a fair, uniform and impartial manner
  • What are the minimum requirements that companies must meet regarding the GDPR establishment and appointment?
  • How will Datatilsynet perform the tasks, including monitoring and enforcement of EU data protection law?

Cristina Angela Gulisano, Direktør, cand. jur. DATATILSYNET
11:00-12:00 Key requirements for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, data breaches and notifications
Alan Calder, CEO. ITGovernance, London
12:00-14:00 System architecture design for GDPR
Jiri Kram, Cloud Architect & Fintech CTO, by MIT certified, Tata Consulting
14:00-15:30 Implementing experiences from Carlsberg, Falck and Novozymes
Tim Clements, CIPP/E, CIPM, CGEIT, CRISC. GDPR Project Manager
15:30-16:45 The latest news regarding the application and interpretation of the GDPR mandates
  • What can we expect from the many stakeholder reports on the GDPR guidance and implementation

Moderator: Michael Hopp, Attorney-at-Law, Partner, Plesner
16:45-17:00 Update from auditors
17:00 Roundup and conclusion

    *Conference Program is subject to changes. The Conference Language is English